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Benjamin Caballero
Professor at Johns Hopkins University
Selected Books

Encyclopedia of Food and Health
Caballero B, Finglas P, Toldrá F (2015):
Academic Press, Oxford, England

Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition
3rd edition. Caballero B, Allen L, Prentice A (2013)
Academic Press, Oxford, England

Obesity and its related diseases in China
Weng X, Caballero B (2006)
Cambria Press, San Diego

Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 11th edition. Ross C, Caballero B, Cousins R, Tucker C, Ziegler T (2013).
Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia .

The Nutrition Transition: Diet and Disease in the Developing World
Caballero B, Popkin B (2004)
Academic Press, Oxford, England

Guide To Nutritional Supplements
Caballero B (2010)
Academic Press, Oxford, England
Professor at Johns Hopkins University
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